Marriage Certificates

The Franklin County Genealogical Society was fortunate to receive hundreds of old marriage certificates, from 1878 through 1958, that were never picked up at the courthouse. As a continuing fundraiser, we sell the originals or copies of them. Originals are $7.50, and copies are $2.00. The following pages contain a listing of all the certificates we have, arranged by groom's surname, bride's surname, and by year of marriage.

Search Unclaimed Marriage Certificates

Please remember that originals are first come, first served. We no longer have the originals of some certificates.

How to Request Unclaimed Marriage Certificates

If you wish to purchase one or more original certificates, please email us before sending payment so that we can confirm we have it. However, we do keep copies of any originals we sell, so even if we no longer have the original of a certificate you are interested in, you may still purchase copies.


To order one or more certificates from the Franklin County Genealogical Society, please send the following to the society's mailing address, listed on the righthand column:

  1. A letter listing the requested certificate(s) and preferred format (original or copy);
  2. Relationship to the bride and/or groom;
  3. A check or money order for the total cost; and
  4. A self-addressed, stamped envelope (if also ordering books, a SASE is not necessary).
Blank marriage certificate