Past FCHA Officers

The Genealogy Division of the Franklin County Historical Association was established in 1997 and officially became the Franklin County Genealogical Society in 2000. Below is the listing of past officers of the Genealogy Division of the Franklin County Historical Association, from 1997 through 1999.


Officers - May 10, 1997:

President: Martha Hare

1st Vice-President (programs): Frankie Cooper

2nd Vice-President (membership): Lera Owens

Recording Secretary & Treasurer: Mary Jo Huff

Corresponding Secretary: Hollie Rogers

Historian: Doris Meek

Parliamentarian: Laverne Tower

Fundraising Chairman: Joan McInvale

Volunteer Chairman/Phone Committee: Eloise Stroman

Librarian: Cora Falls

Reporter: Kathy Cannon


Officers - April 13, 1998:

President: Martha Hare

Vice-President: Charlotte Love

Secretary Treasurer: Joan McInvale

Corresponding Secretary: Hollie Rogers

Historian: Mary Jo Huff

Volunteer Coordinator: Hollie Rogers

Publication Chairman: Chris Skelly

Reporter: Kathy Cannon/Nina Whisman


Officers - May 10, 1999:

President: Martha Hare

1st Vice-President: Charlotte Love

2nd Vice-President: Linda Tinsley

Recording Secretary: Joyce Slaten

Corresponding Secretary: Hollie Rogers

Treasurer: Linda Tinsley

Co-Librarians: Chris Skelly/Lera Owens

Parliamentarian/Historian: Mary Jo Huff